Tuesday, May 1, 2007

What to ATTEMPT next

As the semester at school comes to a close, I am at a loss as to what to post about... of course, i could always attempt a post about posting, but really, what is the fun in that... How about... the top 10 things to do when you have nothing to do... check back soon for it! (or somthing like it).

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Top 10: Reasons NOT to own a cellphone

10: Because Cellphones cost more than you think-- ringtones, games, wallpapers, cost to text...

9: Because Contract fees are rediculous: $200+ when you need to get a new phone because your old one broke and it is cheaper to go to a new carrier

8: Do you really want to be that accessible that ANYONE can get ahold of you ANYTIME: and mostly during the times you dont want to be interupted

7:Because when your phone breaks its never the phone companies fault... its always you

6: Because they have a "secret moisture strip" inside that tells them if your phone got "wet"

5: Because whenever you drop it in the bathroom, it ALWAYS ends up in the toilet.

4: Because upgrading your phone just changes it to the new "cheap" model.

3: Because you can never seem to find your phone unless you don't need it...

2: Because you will inevitably talk while driving, which has been compared to driving under the influence of alchohol in terms of reaction speeds.

1: And... The number one reason NOT to own a cellphone is: the fact that whenever you need/want to make a call, you have no service or are "roaming" (AKA: it will cost 1000x more to make a call)

Thursday, April 26, 2007

My favorite top 10 video games.

hmm... top 10 video games... of all time... and of course my opinion as to why

10:Sonic Adventures: DX-- this was an undiscovered gem of a game on the dreamcast and later re-released on the gamecube... fun fun stuff, and kept me engrossed for hours!

9: Command and Conquer: Red Alert II -- Brought C&C to the map. For an RTS, you cant find much better. Fun, hard, and engrossing, its fun to save the world... or destroy it.

8: Halo Series -- This game single-handedly brought the XBOX onto the map. It has sold thousands of Xbox units and thusly desreves a spot on the top 10.

7: Legend of Dragoon-- omg. another undiscovered gem. this game was one of my favorite RPGs, and yes. i liked it even more than Final Fantasy VII... if you can find it, play it. it won't let you down.

6: Guitar Hero II -- the ultimate party game. leaves you feeling like a rockstar. If your air guitar skills need some tuning, this is your game... and it has incredible replay value

5: Age of Empires -- number 5... and rightly so. This game brought RTS to the masses,and for the longest time had the best look doing it. Here for a reason, it dosen't deserve to be any lower on the list.

4: Shadow of the Colossus-- O M G. Graphics save this game. It is by far the most beautifully haunting games the PS2 has ever made. No loose mobs, just you, your horse, and 16 giant colossi who need to die. One of my favorite games of all time.

3: Final Fantasy VII -- Yep, its here, the undisputed champ. Made the modern RPG what it is, and is argued by many to be the top game of all time.
2: God of War -- hack and slash, blood, gore violence... and sex. This game has it all for any self-proclaimed guy... except hours on the couch. A real gem, but rated M for a reason.

1: WoW... World of Warcraft... yep, its my NUMBER 1 game of all time. Addicting, no doubt. this game has killed relationships, forged friendships over continents and... yes... has a population greater than some small European countries. For the sheer rediculousness of this alone (that and I am a warcrack addict), this game takes my number one.

SO! there it is. my top 10 list of video games. Comment, post your suggestions. What would be your top 10?

Next list coming soon: Top 10 reasons NOT to own a cellphone!