Sunday, April 29, 2007

Top 10: Reasons NOT to own a cellphone

10: Because Cellphones cost more than you think-- ringtones, games, wallpapers, cost to text...

9: Because Contract fees are rediculous: $200+ when you need to get a new phone because your old one broke and it is cheaper to go to a new carrier

8: Do you really want to be that accessible that ANYONE can get ahold of you ANYTIME: and mostly during the times you dont want to be interupted

7:Because when your phone breaks its never the phone companies fault... its always you

6: Because they have a "secret moisture strip" inside that tells them if your phone got "wet"

5: Because whenever you drop it in the bathroom, it ALWAYS ends up in the toilet.

4: Because upgrading your phone just changes it to the new "cheap" model.

3: Because you can never seem to find your phone unless you don't need it...

2: Because you will inevitably talk while driving, which has been compared to driving under the influence of alchohol in terms of reaction speeds.

1: And... The number one reason NOT to own a cellphone is: the fact that whenever you need/want to make a call, you have no service or are "roaming" (AKA: it will cost 1000x more to make a call)

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